March 13, 2010
The Nepali Security Sector: An Almanac has just been published in Switzerland and can be downloaded in a PDF file on the Internet. The book should become primary reference material for the Constituent Assembly and Nepal’s government agencies for years to come. According to the editor, Bishnu Sapkota,the objective in publishing The Almanac is to “contribute to the discourse on security sector reform that will have a far-reaching impact on Nepal’s state restructuring and democratic process. EXCELLENT REFERENCE BOOK
The Almanac is divided into sections that include:
1. The Legislature
2. The Executive Branch
3. Security Groups: the Nepal Army, the PLA, the Nepal Police, the Armed Police Force, Border Security, the National Intelligence Department (NID), Non-Statuary Forces, and Private Security Forces.
4. Third Parties: Involvement of Civil Society in the Security Sector
The book brings together perspectives not only from major political parties but also from the media, human rights and constitutional/legal areas. Every chapter touches on the historical context and analysis of the current status. The Almanac also includes extremely useful and highly detailed charts to augment the content, as seen below (click on images to enlarge):
I am unable to provide a direct link. But here is how you can access the book. Go to Google Search and type in “The Nepali Security Sector: An Almanac”. The second listing on the page indicates a PDF file. Click on it and you will be able to read and download the entire 373-page document.