June 26, 2011
Actress Demi Moore has partnered with Anuradha Koirala and the CNN Freedom Project for the documentary, "Nepal's Stolen Children," premiering Sunday, June 26 around the world.
Ms. Koirala was selected as CNN’s 2010 Hero of the Year.
There are an estimated 30,000,000 slaves worldwide.
The film focuses on Maiti Nepal, Koirala’s organization through which thousands of Nepali women and girls have been rescued from forced prostitution. Moore interviews ex-sex-workers, now volunteer guards, who identify innocent children about to cross the border into India. Interviews with ex-sex-workers are particularly harrowing.
Maiti Nepal also has a hospice for women with HIV-AIDS, a learning center for women who are confronted with the stigma attached to their forced involvement with organized prostitution and given the tools to make a better future for themselves.
Highly recommended.
World Premier show times, Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hong Kong 20:00
London 20:00
Berlin/Johannesburg 20:00
Abu Dhabi 22:00
New York/Miami 8 PM
Mexico City 7 PM
Los Angeles 8 PM
Excerpts from the film can be seen by linking here: