February 28, 2013
On February 26, the United Nations Development Program released its 82-page downloadable booklet, “The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) – 2013-2017”.
The document focuses on reducing poverty, disaster and climate-induced vulnerabilities of Nepali communities in the next five years. A budget of approximately $159,000,000 will be used for implementing these programs.
Document Summary
The first part describes the key development challenges facing Nepal, taking particular account of its post-conflict, transitional context. This part also describes the UNDAF development process, its framing principles and core strategies, an overview of results-based management (RBM) and monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and coordination and implementation mechanisms. The second part describes the 10 outcomes that the UNDAF is structured around: six that deal with moving the development agenda forward, three that aim to protect development gains made in the past, and one that helps create an enabling environment for enhanced international cooperation. The final part of this document consists of the Results Matrix and M&E framework for all outcomes.
In next five years, UNDP’s energy programme will benefit 25,000 rural households providing access to modern energy which has positive effects on economic growth. The Micro Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP) will create additional 30,000 micro entrepreneurs directly, while assisting government to fully internalize the programme in all 75 districts that would benefit a greater number of poor.
In line with Government of Nepal’s priorities and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework’s (UNDAF 2013 – 2017) two key goals of advancing equality and protecting development gains, UNDP programmes will have strong inclusion and resilience-building components across its programmes.
The preparedness level of several municipalities and 75 vulnerable VDCs will be strengthened benefitting thousands of citizens.
Approximately 46,000 climate vulnerable men and 69,000 climate vulnerable women will receive training related to climate change adaptation measures. Because women do most of the household work, they are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Notably, these efforts will include construction of an engineered structure at Imja Glacier Lake in the Khumbu region to s reduce water levels by 3 meters to mitigate the threats of devastating floods.
“A Haiti-like disaster can reverse Nepal’s development gain by decades,” said UNDP Country Director, Ms. Shoko Noda. “This is why our focus has been on accelerated development process, while not losing sight of the necessary preparedness to protecting the gains that have been made—even in the face of debilitating effects of disasters.”
Disaster Risk Management programme will continue to strengthen building code compliance and mainstream disaster risk management across sectors, strengthening preparedness and emergency systems. There will be additional support to help the Government to establish sustainable and effective search and rescue teams within the security forces.
Helping Nepal in consolidation of peace process commitments and diminishing the risks of return to violent conflict continuous to be important part of UNDP’s five-year plan.
The Government of Nepal expressed its sincere appreciation to the UNDP for its keen interest and continued support in the socio-economic development of Nepal.
To download the 82-page document,